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Living lightly, mindfully and sustainably on the land.

Geothermal Brings High Energy to Heartwood Commons 

By community member, Lynn Rivers


It’s an exciting time in our community, now within weeks of beginning earthwork for construction we’ll begin to see our efforts toward creating community become visible. After preliminary geophysical exploration, our land has been declared highly suitable for geothermal energy! Stava Construction, partnering with K&M Schillingford, will implement geothermal energy to provide heating and cooling in our homes, the common house, and other buildings on the property. This development realizes an important element of our Vision and Values Statement, “living lightly, mindfully and sustainably on the land.” 


Geothermal is clean, renewable energy. Our consensus decision to approve this energy source for our homes and additional buildings (workshop, greenhouse, common house and contemplative space) was an easy one. Each home will have a heat pump, accessible and out of sight in the attic. Additionally, the savings factor influenced our decision. The system will pay for itself within an estimated four years.  


Geothermal will provide the benefit of a quieter environment for day to day living. Without the loud mechanical buzz of air-conditioning compressors, our walking paths, front porches, common house patio and other outdoor spaces will be more inviting. Speaking personally, the sounds of nature that I enjoy and mean summer to me in Oklahoma – birdsong, crickets, cicadas, even (and especially) the thunder of distant storms – will be more accessible to enjoy in the quiet. Nature’s sounds, and our work to create a neighborhood community that is sustainable and supports the common good, bring to mind a stanza from Gary Snyder’s poetry:


 “Stay together

Learn the flowers

Go light.”

(from “For the Children”)


We will try to do just that. Geothermal is but one step.


We invite you to check out one of our EVENTS where you'll discover more about Heartwood Commons and meet members of our community. Call Suzy at 918-519-5298 or email for more information. 

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