PORCH CHATS: Great Conversations You’ll Overhear at Heartwood Commons
Porch Sitting with Fred and Lynn
by Jan Owen, community member

Today is the perfect weather for sitting with Fred and Lynn for a porch chat. The couple (mostly Lynn, per Fred) have created a serene and inviting space. Lynn knits and Fred drinks coffee while we discuss the ways to keep their cats out of the flowerbeds but still allow them to roam the yard. They have ingeniously installed a “cat fence” to keep the cats from wandering the neighborhoods and surrounds the seating area we are in. On cue, George, a long haired, ginger tabby joins us and allows brief moments of kitty cuddles before darting off to chase his nemesis blue jay. Our conversation turns to Heartwood Commons and the ways their new home will meet their needs for “rightsizing” and relatively maintenance-free living. They are planning to outfit their new home with feline-appropriate conveniences as well. Lynn decides to do a little watering but sadly her watering can is “holey” and we share a chuckle as the water drains out. Fred explains that the mower he uses to manicure his lawn and the cleared 4.5 acres where Heartwood Commons will be located is in the shop for repairs. Together we share the excitement of our future flowerbeds, freshly mowed lawns and cat friendly yards.

We invite you to discover porch sitting – Heartwood Commons style – with a home of your own in our community.
Call Suzy at 918-519-5298 or email for more information.