PORCH CHATS: Great Conversations You’ll Overhear at Heartwood Commons
Porch Sitting with Suzy
by Jan Owen, community member
I am greeted by Suzy on a sunny day from the porch of a home she has lived in for more than 30 years. This porch reflects her personality with flowerpots, metal sculptures, wind chimes and a hot tub. She loves to sit here for breaks during her stay-at-home workday. But this space shines best when friends join her in the evenings or on weekends for a meal, a glass of wine or a cup of coffee. Or maybe a dip in the hot tub when the sun goes down. (Prior to COVID.) A new chiminea has joined the porch furnishings, which Suzy plans to take to her new home at Heartwood Commons. A sweet little brown dog, named Molly, is her constant companion. Molly greets us with a soft bark and cool pink nose. Although Suzy has been comfortable and content in this generous, older home in the older neighborhood she grew up in, she is the first one to say that it’s not ideal for aging in place. She jumped on the cohousing bandwagon early on and is its staunchest supporter. She is looking forward to enjoying great conversations with her neighbors on her new porch at Heartwood Commons.
We invite you to discover porch sitting – Heartwood Commons style – with a home of your own in our community.
Call Suzy at 918-519-5298 or email for more information.