PORCH CHATS: Great Conversations You’ll Overhear at Heartwood Commons
Porch Sitting with Anne
by Jan Owen, community member

A cool breeze accompanies our morning pouch chat with Anne. Beyond her porch, she has created a delightful oasis of flowers, shrubs and herbs with many more to come as the weather warms. She points out that “the purple is on the sage”. As we sit down, she is animated today discussing which Heartwood Commons unit she is choosing. The way the light will shine on her porch, the view she will have on both the front and back porches, these are things that she likes to think about. Joining her on the porch is Jessie, the dog who lovingly gazes up to her. Not pictured are cats, Mama and Molly. Anne is planning a special “catio” for the felines on the back of her house. They are all looking forward to their new homes at Heartwood Commons.

We invite you to discover porch sitting – Heartwood Commons style – with a home of your own in our community.
Call Suzy at 918-519-5298 or email for more information.